Nowadays it seems that not a day goes by without your inbox being inundated with links to various websites or articles. Typically many of them are quickly discarded to the junk box. However, I could not help but feel enticed by a recent link I received (Of course I should make clear that the inquisitiveness was purely professional and I was concerned only with the legal connotations (!)).

“How relationship contracts are growing popularity - Sex twice a week”

In an age of increasing commercialisation, the ever growing popularity to put a legal stamp on marriages through pre and post nuptial agreements, together with the emergence of cohabitation deeds, I do suddenly wonder whether the idea of a relationship contract is not so far fetched after all. I fully understand the argument that the existence of legal documents governing a relationship or its breakdown is not exactly the most romantic footing on which to start a marriage or indeed a relationship. However, as public awareness increases, I am more frequently being asked to advise on how parties can legalise relationships. Indeed, as an unmarried practitioner, I find resonance with the need to draft cohabitation deeds (although I think my partner would throw me out at the suggestion! (It never ceases to surprise me as to how many people remain under the misconception that cohabitation creates a “common law marriage” and thus gives an outgoing partner all the same rights as if they were married)).

So is sex once or twice a week really too much to ask?? Or is too unreasonable to expect your partner to keep in shape?? Personally I will decline to pass comment. My own view is that, whilst I accept a relationship contract is unconventional, if it works for the couple then good luck to them. Indeed it has got me thinking how I am going to broach the topic with my own partner…..! I will let you know how that goes.


I am regularly instructed to draft and advise in respect of nuptial agreements and cohabitation deeds. Please feel free to contact me should you require advice in relation to these or any other matrimonial/civil matters.


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